06/09: level scalper v4.mq4 Forex EA - (tested with over $700,000 profit).25/07: Here's some cools EA's - (Tested with over $1,700,000 profit).06/03: MT4 EA Daily Breakdown - (Tested with over $1,200,000 profit).04/08: forex samurai robot - (Tested with over $1,200,000 profit).07/04: probando el EA EAmymoneypro - ( tested with over $3,000,000 profit).29/11: Lsma_daily_ea.mq4 CRYPTO EA - (tested with over $600,000 profit).02/06: artificialintelligencefor5digit - (Tested with over $1,600,000 profit).

19/02: SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD - (tested with over $359,000 profit).