Then came this box: To directly patch source file, a temporary file is being made.

I chose 'Apply patch to an existing file', browsed for the UPS, then the ROM, and the clicked Apply Patch. I was patching a.UPS patch with tsukuyomi to a clean, un-trimmed ROM. Okay, so I was patching a patch from Noitora. Can create patches, patch files and get the offsets changed by the patch. Mostly I keep track of the name (it should be exactly the same) and if possible of the CRC32 (this value can be found on some ROM-sites and in the archives itself to compare). 3) Which ROM to get for a patch found on ? The important information can be found on the patch's site at the heading 'ROM / ISO Information'.

To play the game, you have to patch these files using a patching tool such as Lunar IPS Patcher (IPS file patching) and Tsukuyomi (UPS file patching) Please note that these files are for FREE, while some creators accept donations, you can report to the game author if you caught someone sells. Pokemon ROM hacks are distributed in the file for GBC and GBA and xdelta for NDS.

There are several UPS patchers out there like - UPS Patcher - TsukuyomiUPS - NUPS - NUPS Mirror UPS patches allow you to expand the ROM without having to do use the dual patches method like StealthPatch, making it more efficient and easier to understand. As mentioned before UPS is a better format for patching files.